VODA PRE KLÍMU (Water for Climate) is an association that was established based ona civic initiative

with the goal of creating a broad platform – a community of citizens across various professional profiles, aimed at seeking connections and solutions to mitigate the impacts of global climate change and warming on the city of Trnava, the Trnava region, and beyond.


workshop will allow people to experience firsthand how floods occur and how they can be prevented. They will learn how droughts work and what can be done about them. With a 3D landscape model, people will explore the laws of nature.

Infocentrum Trnava

Through water retention measures and planting suitable greenery, we have a chance to reduce adverse impacts, increase biodiversity, and restore life. However, this requires a comprehensive approach. It calls for the collaboration of urban architects, farmers, foresters, water managers, scientists, researchers, as well as gardeners and the entire civil society. This is what the Water for Climate initiative and its activities, including the Infocenter, are all about.

+421 917 325 597


Kalinčiakova 298/10, 905 01 Senica