The Štiavnický Tajch Civic Association fulfills three main objectives:

Protection, Preservation, and Education about the Banská Štiavnica Water Management System. “Protection” involves ensuring the legal safeguarding of the ponds, ditches, and water tunnels, which are part of the world heritage listed by UNESCO. “Preservation” involves specific steps to rescue this UNESCO world heritage site through the organization of volunteer work brigades. “Education” includes guided tours, lectures, and publications aimed at presenting the ponds, ditches, and water tunnels as a beautiful, functional technical complex.

The story of the system

is truly impressive. Thanks to the Štiavnický Tajch, you can embark on unforgettable guided tours tracing the steps of the water management system that changed the history of the region. The richly and diversely prepared tours are suitable for all age groups. Classic daily tours, adventurous ones, and special night tours are an incredible experience and a dream come true for every visitor.

The volunteer brigades

on the ditches, known as the “Ditch Rescue,” offer pleasant, easy work with a fantastic atmosphere that unites the community in the goal of restoring a historic masterpiece. The association aims to restore and preserve more than 63 kilometers of existing ditches in the Banská Štiavnica water management system. Over the past four years, more than 500 volunteers have participated in the restoration efforts.

+421 902 180 199

Svätý Anton 459 969 72, Svätý Anton